Ayurvedic Secrets for Achieving Hormonal Harmony
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
Read our Ayurvedic insights on 7 things you can do each day to balance your hormones naturally. These Ayurveda tips won't cost you anything extra, take any more time out of your day, and best of all you can do implement them with confidence and without worries. Your menstrual cycle is a window into your health and wellbeing. Mentally and physically. According to Ayurveda, each month your cycle shows you which doshas are imbalanced.
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Ayurvedic Secrets for Achieving Hormonal Harmony
Let's face it-hormones have a direct impact on our health mentally and physically, and on our life. Contemporary lifestyles simply don’t support a balanced cycle--but you can!
Many people endure painful periods for years, even their whole lifetime. But with Ayurveda, menstruation doesn’t have to be synonymous with suffering.
In many parts of the world, menstruation was once revered as a time for women to recharge and reflect. Today, we’re expected to maintain 60-hour work weeks, drop the kids at soccer, make dinner, and organize our family calendar – all while bloated, cramped, and suffering.
Ask yourself, do you truly know what a healthy cycle is? Do you cramp, take Midol, use birth control to suppress disruptive symptoms, endure migraines, moods, bloating, acne, and still find yourself saying you’re “all good?”
A healthy menstrual cycle is one we (barely) notice we're getting apart from it arriving on one's regular schedule and the presence of a balanced menstrual flow.
According to the National Institute of Health, "Menarche typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 16, with the average age of onset being 12.4 years," and an average of menopause at age 51, (Mayo Clinic), that's four decades of menstrual cycles ladies.
Living an Ayurvedic lifestyle can go a long a way in helping you feel your best. In other words, when we make choices that balance Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, we optimize our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.
Let's dive into seven simple, effective, and natural Ayurveda remedies for creating a balanced, healthy menstrual cycle.
Explore More: Ayurveda and Menstruation – Creating a Healthy Flow

Balance Your Hormones with Ayurveda
1. Move Daily
According to the Mayo Clinic, "As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day." It's not just about moving, it's about sitting less too. "The more hours you sit each day, the higher your risk of metabolic problems. Sitting too much can negatively affect your health and longevity, even if you get the minimum suggested amount of daily physical activity."
If you don't have time for a 30-minute walk, park further away at work, the grocery store, and school and build in 5-minute walks throughout the day. If the weather stinks, walk in place in your office at work between calls and get the blood pumping. It'll also help you concentrate.
"The more you sit, the more your large muscles are not using glucose, the body's main energy source. “Uninterrupted sitting can cause blood sugar levels to rise, triggering the release of insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar," says Dr. Hicham Skali, a cardiologist with Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital." (Harvard Medical School)
Small lifestyle choices add up to big rewards in the long run.

2. Get Sunshine Daily
Not only does it feel good, but we need a daily dose of sunshine daily. According to the National Institute of Health, "The best-known benefit of sunlight is its ability to boost the body’s vitamin D supply.... Unlike other essential vitamins, which must be obtained from food, vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin through a photosynthetic reaction triggered by exposure to UVB radiation."
According to SingleCare, there are ten benefits to sunshine:
According to the National Institute of Health, "Levels of 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL) or more are sufficient for most people. In contrast, the Endocrine Society stated that, for clinical practice, a serum 25(OH)D concentration of more than 75 nmol/L (30 ng/mL) is necessary to maximize the effect of vitamin D on calcium, bone, and muscle metabolism."
Being outside in the fresh air, for even short periods of time, is uplifting and invigorating.
Learn More: What is Ayurveda? A Beginner's Guide and Beyond

3. Include Healthy Fats in Each Meal
Healthy fats help us feel satiated longer and are thought to help balance blood sugar and hormones in general. Include ghee, nuts, seeds, avocado, and olives.
4. Eat Protein with Each Meal
Pairing healthy fat and protein seems to ground Vata and pacify Pitta. Eat a variety of protein sources including beans, paneer, (other fresh cheeses), yogurt/curd, eggs, and more.
5. Eat Seeds and Nuts
"Seeds have mostly healthy fats, some fiber, and about 150 calories per ounce...Nuts are flavorful little packages containing healthy unsaturated fats (see "Fat and calorie content per ounce of selected nuts and seeds"), protein, fiber, and other nutrients.
Most nuts appear to be generally healthy. But some may have more heart-healthy nutrients than others. For example, walnuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and pecans also appear to be quite heart health." (Mayo Clinic)
Examples of seeds: Flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chia, and hemp seeds, Examples of nuts: Almond, Brazil, cashew, hazelnut, pistachio, pecans, walnuts
Enjoy Our Ayurveda Beet Soup

6. Eat a Lighter, Earlier Dinner
Move your main meal to around noon when the digestive fire (agni) is highest, and when we need fuel for the activities of the day. At night, the body needs a break from digesting which allows the body to carry out important repair work and hormone production.
7. Follow Saumya Ayurveda's 3 Steps for Transforming Your Daily Life.
Modern life serves up an endless buffet of stress. Jobs, traffic, juggling schedules, finances, health concerns, and on the list goes.
Mediation and relaxation reduce stress hormones. According to the National Institute of Health, several hormones are affected, cortisol, catecholamine, vasopressin, gonadotropins and gonadal steroid hormones leading to disruption of the normal menstrual cycle, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3 levels decrease with stress), insulin and more.

"How to Keep Your Cool" is an invitation to transform your menstrual cycle... and while you're at it, transform your life. From menses to menopause, you deserve to keep your cool. This guide will show you how. Get your copy here.
“Oh my gosh this is an amazing book! The WORLD NEEDS THIS!!!” --Dr. Melissa Persons, Minnesota

There is a saying, "The mind is more in the body, than the body is in the mind." The Saumya 3 step meditation process shifts us from fight-flight-freeze mode, to rest-restore-relax mode. Give it a try for forty days and observe the changes. The more grounded and relaxed we are, the smoother life flows.
"The breath is the connection between the mind and body, so by training the breath, we become calm, focused, and grounded, we slow down the aging process by decreasing stress. These practices are so simple and easy to have as part of our daily life. We actually feel and look younger."
- Veena, Saumya Ayurveda
1. Learn Diaphragmatic Breathing and Change Your Life. When we re-learn to breath diaphragmatically, we move from the flight-fight-freeze mode, to rest, restore, relaxation mode from where we want and need to live.
2. Free Daily Guided Practices: 11 minutes in the morning and in the evening, as anchors of your daily Ayurveda routine.
3. Ayurveda Daily Routines: Ayurvedic Morning Routine | 6 Rituals for a Calm and Centered Day
"Choose a couple of practices from the routines that provide you with the greatest support. Perform them while applying our two minute meditation technique and your mundane tasks, just transformed into a mellifluous meditation. This is meditation applied to daily life." - Veena, Saumya Ayurveda
"Veena was able to help me regain my energy in just a few months and I’m feeling like my “young” self again! I love the food plan she designed for me, and all the supporting practices (am/pm routines, breathing techniques, herbs, and spice mixes) are so enjoyable to incorporate into my day. I highly recommend Saumya Ayurveda if you want to feel better and have more vitality.”
-Molly Rossini, Minnesota
Explore More: Ayurveda Breathwork Pranayama

“After six months with no period and increasing concern, I am happy to report that my periods are completely regular. With just two months of Veena’s treatment, they are almost symptomless except for mild cramping. I am feeling very good and well balanced overall. My skin has improved as well. I am looking forward to doing the cleanse with you this spring. “ – A.K. USA
“I sought support from Veena related to irregular menstruation, skin issues, and overall stagnation. After a comprehensive assessment, Veena provided an intuitive yet simple plan that included recommendations for gentle changes to diet, daily routine, and a few herbal supplements.
The changes were profound. I had not had my period for six months and after four weeks of following Veena's suggestions, my period returned and has been regular since. Veena's approach works with available resources to make sure that change happens on a deeper level than medication can reach. I am so grateful for her help and would recommend her services!”
-Anna, St. Paul, Minnesota
“Veena has been a dream to work with! I came to her with a number of concerns around my digestion, skin, and menstrual cycle, and she has helped me find so much improvement in all areas and more!” – Meg McNeil, Boulder, Colorado
“Veena has literally changed my life. I was struggling with mental and physical symptoms that my doctor had no answer for. I thought I was going crazy and just making symptoms up.
“With Veena’s guidance, with herbs and diet changes, I soon realized that my symptoms were very real. After making the changes, I made small victories along the way, and became better with each appointment with her.
Now almost 6 months later, I am a completely different person. I still have some things to work on, but with Veena’s help, I know I will be able to take control of my health and not leave it to Western medicine that was giving me little to no help and covering up my symptoms with another medication.
I highly encourage getting the longer package, especially if you are working with challenges with your monthly cycle. Working with Veena has been the best decision I have made for my health. You won’t be disappointed!” -- Maria Fumagalli, San Diego, California
Ayurvedic Secrets for Achieving Hormonal Harmony
Discover how personalized Ayurvedic treatment can change your life
Book a free consultation with Veena from Saumya Ayurveda

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We all want to be heard, understood, and cared for as whole beings, not a set of isolated symptoms. True health is more than the absence of disease, which is why Western medicine so often leaves us feeling hopeless and unseen.
Deep down, you already know what you’re searching for: a new framework for living – one that brings your entire being back into balance. With Saumya Ayurveda, you’ll receive individualized guidance to create the physically, mentally, and spiritually vibrant life you crave.
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Veena is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and meditation teacher, and monk.
She is President Emeritus and teaching faculty of the Meditation Center.
Veena fell in love with the traditional medicine used in her family’s home, learning herbal remedies at her grandmother's knee.
An experienced Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Veena’s deep, intuitive knowledge of Ayurveda empowers her clients to reclaim their fullest, most vibrant lives –mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Veena individualizes treatment plans to each person, rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach, so it fits your life and becomes woven in your lifestyle, naturally.
Learn more about Veena's work and book your FREE discovery call today.