Sturdy List of Kapha Imbalances
Updated: Oct 3, 2024
Are you concerned about the possibility of having a Kapha imbalance? Symptoms like weight gain, high cholesterol, allergies, mucus issues, emotional eating, or being pre-diabetic could indicate such an imbalance. It's important to remember that we can exhibit Kapha imbalances regardless of our dominant dosha. Explore the 23 signs and symptoms of Kapha imbalances in both the body and mind, along with 20 resources to help you restore dosha balance. Check out our comprehensive list of Kapha imbalances.

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Sturdy List of Kapha Imbalances
23 Signs of Kapha Imbalances
Slow, sticky, sluggish bowel movements
Feeling foggy, dull, lethargic, or heavy
Thick, white coating on the tongue
Excess bodily fluids and mucus
Difficulty rising in the morning
Seasonal allergies, hay fever
Sinus congestion
Slow metabolism
Excess sleeping
Excess ear wax
High cholesterol
Varicose veins
What's your tongue telling you? Ayurveda Tongue Diagnosis: What Your Tongue Is Saying About Your Health

Tendency for “emotional overeating”
Sentimental, stubborn
Greedy, hoarding
Overly attached
This is a partial list of excess Kapha in the body and mind.
Explore our personalized services.

Tools for Invigorating Kapha
How to Invigorate Kapha in Body and Mind with Ayurveda
20 Kapha Balancing Resources
Ayurveda Stool Analysis: What Your Poop Says About Your Health
Ayurvedic Nail Analysis: What Your Nails Are Pointing to About Your Health
Nasya Oil Benefits | How to Use Nasya Oil for Greater Wellbeing
Ayurvedic Morning Routine | 6 Rituals for a Calm and Centered Day
Ayurvedic Recipe|Loose Weight While You Eat Kapha Reducing Kitchari
Ayurvedic Doshas and Their Impact on Your Life | The Dance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
Anti-Aging with Ayurveda: 10 Ways to Prevent or Reverse Signs of Aging
Guided Practices To Move From Flight=Fight-Freeze To Rest-Restore-Relax
Sturdy List of Kapha Imbalances. Anything look familiar?

There is a saying, "The mind is more in the body, than the body is in the mind." The Saumya 3 step meditation process shifts us from fight-flight-freeze mode, to rest-restore-relax mode. Give it a try for forty days and observe the changes. The more grounded and relaxed we are, the smoother life flows.
"The breath is the connection between the mind and body, so by training the breath, we become calm, focused, and grounded, we slow down the aging process by decreasing stress. These practices are so simple and easy to have as part of our daily life. We actually feel and look younger."
- Veena, Saumya Ayurveda
1. Learn Diaphragmatic Breathing and Change Your Life. When we re-learn to breath diaphragmatically, we move from the flight-fight-freeze mode, to rest, restore, relaxation mode from where we want and need to live.
2. Free Daily Guided Practices: 11 minutes in the morning and in the evening, as anchors of your daily Ayurveda routine.
3. Ayurveda Daily Routines: Ayurvedic Morning Routine | 6 Rituals for a Calm and Centered Day
"Choose a couple of practices from the Ayurveda routines that provide you with the greatest support. Perform them while applying our two minute meditation technique and your mundane tasks, just transformed into a mellifluous meditation. This is meditation applied to daily life." - Veena, Saumya Ayurveda
"Veena was able to help me regain my energy in just a few months and I’m feeling like my “young” self again! I love the food plan she designed for me, and all the supporting practices (am/pm routines, breathing techniques, herbs, and spice mixes) are so enjoyable to incorporate into my day. I highly recommend Saumya Ayurveda if you want to feel better and have more vitality.”
-Molly Rossini, Minnesota
Explore More: Ayurveda Breathwork Pranayama

"I found Saumya Ayurveda when I was looking for a holistic approach to my health and lifestyle.
The Ayurveda consultation with individual attention and focus has been wonderful. I have transitioned from pharmaceuticals to herbal and dietary approaches to manage my high cholesterol and calcium deficiencies.
Digestive issues that have plagued me my entire life have disappeared. I am a dedicated user of the oils to ease arthritis pain.
I was so pleased with my results that I recommended Saumya Ayurveda to my daughters and my mother. My mother enjoys the tea, and the oil is working so well for the arthritis in her hands and shoulders that she has been able to stop using harsh pain medications. Ayurveda is helping me to take care of myself and I can enjoy each day.”
--Rachelle Chase, retired Director Business Process, Target Corporation, Minnesota
“Veena is experienced and caring. Her knowledge is astounding. She took the time with text support to help me get into habit of taking the herbs on time. She picked me up when I didn’t have energy to keep going. My A1C numbers quickly went from 6.3 to 5.7. As a fitness and wellness professional, I strongly recommend you take the first step with Veena.” –N.L., Corrales, New Mexico
“I have seen Veena at Saumya Ayurveda for several years--in fact, my family sees her. She has helped me with blood pressure and cholesterol management as well as helping me reduce overall inflammation. I sleep better, my stress has reduced, and my energy has improved. During a period of high stress, I was waking with a racing heart and the herbal and lifestyle recommendations reversed it.
I recommend Veena--she will stick by your side and be there when you need her. She is responsive, comprehensive and effective." -- Bryan Stenlund, Licensed Psychologist, Grand Rapids, Minnesota
“I feel greatly improved. Stress fell off like an old hairy coat. I’m just not anxious. Depression is way decreased. I was haunted by anxiety my whole life, and it’s just gone. The mudra, mantra...WOW. This is so cool! I have regained hope. Something wonderful is taking place. You and your knowledge come to me after a lifetime of searching and prayer. I am forever grateful.” --Mark Hughes, Minnesota
“I feel much, much better. Amazing. I feel ten years younger and at 76, that really matters. Digestive issues are totally 100% gone. Not an issue at all. I feel great! Blood sugar and lifelong sinus issues, much better.”
--Kathy B., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sturdy List of Kapha Imbalances
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We all want to be heard, understood, and cared for as whole beings, not a set of isolated symptoms. True health is more than the absence of disease, which is why Western medicine so often leaves us feeling hopeless and unseen.
Deep down, you already know what you’re searching for: a new framework for living – one that brings your entire being back into balance. With Saumya Ayurveda, you’ll receive individualized guidance to create the physically, mentally, and spiritually vibrant life you crave.
Saumya Ayurveda provides concierge, top-notch, award-winning Ayurveda care. We strive to keep it simple, so you can focus on you! Our practice model is client focused not on retailing herbs.
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Veena is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and meditation teacher, and monk.
She is President Emeritus and teaching faculty of the Meditation Center.
Veena fell in love with the traditional medicine used in her family’s home, learning herbal remedies at her grandmother's knee.
An experienced Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Veena’s deep, intuitive knowledge of Ayurveda empowers her clients to reclaim their fullest, most vibrant lives –mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Veena individualizes treatment plans to each person, rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach, so it fits your life and becomes woven in your lifestyle, naturally.
Learn more about Veena's work and book your FREE discovery call today.